Fertilizing your ideas with work and entrepreneurship

Fertilizing your ideas with work and entrepreneurship

Making your capital beneficial and job creation and entrepreneurship

Launching your ideas powered by Investors (Seed money)

  • Do you have an idea for a business that you do not have the capital to run it?
  • Do you have capital and want to help economic circulation and create jobs in the society?
  • Do you need support for registering your idea and then creating jobs and comfort and job improvement by your ideas?
  • We are with you and with the experience that we have we take up directing of the script that its author is the idea owner and its producer is the investor looking for investment opportunities and employment.

In this section by the use of the power and experience of various managers in the various organizations and by the use of their useful information in the field of legal and legal issues as well as by the use of knowledge of professors from different universities, we help the young owner of the ideas to realize their creativity to improve society.

Those who have an idea for a business or improving living and working conditions through innovation can submit their idea by the following form. We send an Internet receipt (evidence) to the e-mail address of the idea owner so that the idea owner has no concern about the protection of his idea and proving the presentation of his idea; then our team of experts will examine the idea and if it is feasible and profitable with public interest, the idea is introduced to an investor in a meeting with the presence of the idea owner and finally a  team consisting of investor, the idea owner and our executive team will implement the project and according to the type of the project, the interest  of the project will be divided between the beneficiaries; 55 percent for investor, 40 percent  for the idea owner and 5 percent for our executive team.

In order to have a witness to his claim, the idea owner may want to bring up his idea in a safe place so that in a good opportunity and after obtaining the necessary capital, implements it with his capital and management. In this case, only to prove that you at what time had what idea, and according to your request, without studying or examining your idea, we will only give you a receipt. In other words, we will return your e-mail to yourself automatically so that you keep the date of presenting your idea in your electronic mailbox. In fact, the e-mail we send you as evidence (receipt) proves that at what date and in what field you have had what idea; but according to your request we will not even see what you’ve sent us.

Complete the form for  idea providers
Complete the form as investor
  • Contact us for comments or suggestions, or questions and requests about this service using the following form.

    • Select the fields that you have more interest for investment. The fields you are now working.
    • Select the country or countries you are willing to invest on it.
    • Link of your profile in the section of jobs registration.
    • Do you like your idea to be examined by our team of experts and, if approved, be discussed with investors. □
    • No, I do not want my idea to be discussed with someone, and I want to manage it in the future and pay the capital to implement it and I just want this site to give me a receipt and record the date of my idea. □ (By selecting this option, we do not see what you send and only the date and your contents are kept on our server)
    • Job field associated with the idea: (On this site only business and economic ideas are offered so your idea should be related at least to one of the economic activities on this list)
    • The field that you are now working (completing this section is not required)
    • Link of your profile in the section of jobs registration.

    Afori.org/jobs —————- (free registration)

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