Will the path you are passing now in your business take you to your goal?

Will the path you are passing now in your business take you to your goal?

  • 2017/07/01

Have you done organizational diagnostics or Management of Dilemmas?

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If you are not learned concerning your business, your information as the source of your income will be soon outdated.

If you are not learned concerning your business, your information as the source of your income will be soon outdated.

  • 2017/07/01

With new work tools the works become easier and less costly and are done carefully and quickly

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Consider Business process improvement and Process management.

Consider Business process improvement and Process management.

  • 2017/07/01

Any organization that its work processes are with greater regularity, its management is easier and its efficiency is more and has less management concerns and management will be focused more on its monitoring

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Before starting a new business and to prevent possible failure, draw up your business plan and make your future work modeling to prevent the possible costs. Draw the path to your goal in business before starting to pass the path.

Before starting a new business and to prevent possible failure, draw up your business plan and make your future work modeling to prevent the possible costs. Draw the path to your goal in business before starting to pass the path.

  • 2017/07/01

Before starting a new business and to prevent possible failure, draw up your business plan and make your future work modeling to prevent the possible costs.

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Fertilizing your ideas with work and entrepreneurship

Fertilizing your ideas with work and entrepreneurship

  • 2017/07/01

Making your capital beneficial and job creation and entrepreneurship

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Do you use your resources properly? Has the layout of your company or factory been done correctly?

Do you use your resources properly? Has the layout of your company or factory been done correctly?

  • 2017/07/01

Is the workflow or process flow or material flow done in the best way and optimally?

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Do you have familiar strategic planning?

Do you have familiar strategic planning?

  • 2017/07/01

Identify your strengths and weaknesses by scientific planning to find economic opportunities and solve threats to your business (Strategic Management & Strategic Planning).

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Are you familiar with techniques for problem solving?

Are you familiar with techniques for problem solving?

  • 2017/07/01

Problem solving arises when an organism or an artificial intelligence system does not know what direction should pass to go from one location to the other one or what it should do.

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To prevent organization from getting out of the defined path and possible withdrawal of the rules and map designed for the goal

To prevent organization from getting out of the defined path and possible withdrawal of the rules and map designed for the goal

  • 2017/07/01

your business contractors should be evaluated by control methods so that their current position on the path is adapted to the position of path map.

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Quality evaluation

Quality evaluation

  • 2017/07/01

Do you want to evaluate the product or services you buy? Are you familiar with the standards related to the goods and services you buy?

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Do you look for skilled and professional workers?

Do you look for skilled and professional workers?

  • 2017/07/01

Leave it to us so that we introduce you the workers you need after evaluating your desired capabilities and following the assessment tests.

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According to our understanding of how to evaluate and attracting resources and specialists

According to our understanding of how to evaluate and attracting resources and specialists

  • 2017/07/01

, the AFORI Organization (our organization) as a part of your organization or with your organization as an advocate can accelerate your speed for achieving the goal.

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Technology and software have made the works easier, faster, and less expensive

Technology and software have made the works easier, faster, and less expensive

  • 2017/07/01

Get familiar further with and apply business software.

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