Before starting a new business and to prevent possible failure, draw up your business plan and make your future work modeling to prevent the possible costs. Draw the path to your goal in business before starting to pass the path.

Before starting a new business and to prevent possible failure, draw up your business plan and make your future work modeling to prevent the possible costs. Draw the path to your goal in business before starting to pass the path.

  • In this part, we help you examine the idea of your new business or expanding your business in terms of feasibility and draw the path to your goal and identify the possible barriers to your business before implementation.
  • predict that how is the rate of return on investment in your business.
  • Before implementation, measure all aspects by drawing a business plan.
  • Draw the map to reaching the economic goal you have set
  • See all aspects of the business environment that you want to launch in your business model

Business Plan states the purpose of creating a business and states the details of an economic activity that is set before implementation as well as the path and procedures of it.

All aspects of the business you decide to create or the activity that you want to develop are examined in BP (Business Plan); Including what type of product or service we want to provide? Who are our customers? How is the market trend? Competitor analysis and market size and social and cultural factors and the tastes of customers, sales forecast, operating costs forecast, profitability forecast and ROI, risks of operating a business are predicted and provided in the business plan. Business plan decreases the costs arising from possible failures in the performance. The business plan shows whether our ideas are useful and applicable? And it shows us possible barriers to the implementation of a task.

In business plan, partners and suppliers can see the general status of start to end of a project. Business plan is used as a decision-making tool.

To write a business plan, you need to have information in various fields, including finance, human resources, supply chain management, project management and marketing. Business plan make economic activity for people who are not familiar with the activity understandable and attractive. A good business plan does not guarantee the business success, but it can reduce the ways that lead to failure.

What is the business model and what benefits has it for us?

The business model shows that a business is created to produce what product or service and follows what goal and with what resources and what conditions.

In a business, all factors that must be planned and thought about them are briefly drawn up and analyzed in a business model. These factors generally include:

Key partners

Who are our key partners and suppliers?

Key activities

What key activities should we do to create value for our stakeholders?

Value propositions

What values do we create for our customers?

Customer relationships

In every part of our activities, what are the demands of our customers from us? And what kind of relationship do we have with them?

Customer segments

Who are our customers?

Key resources

What tools and resources do we need to create value for our stakeholders?

Distribution channels

By what channel do we have access to our customers? And which way is better?

Revenue streams

Which product and service of us is more attractive to our customers and our customers buy it more?

Cost structure

What are the most important of our costs in this business?

We help you to design a business plan and draw up a business model.

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